Congress Registration

This page tells you how to REGISTER as a Participant for the IVC2018 in Rotterdam. Registration embodies the following actions:

  • Submitting your relevant personal information
  • Purchase of a Congress ticket
    The choice of congress ticket depends on your role, availability (attendance dates), and age.
  • Purchase of a Dutch Viola Society membership
    (optional in most cases, but mandatory in some special cases)
  • Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions for IVC2018 Participation

Note that:

  • Registration is mandatory for everyone attending the Congress.
  • Registration is personal, and cannot be done as a group.

The next paragraphs describe the Participant categories, the Ticket types available, the Ticket prices, the Benefits of registration and the step-by-step Registration procedure. Click on the arrow icons below to expand and explore each topic. Please read it through carefully, so that you can complete your registration swiftly and correctly.


For IVC2018, we have defined three main categories of participants:
Delegates, Associates and Auditors.


Delegates are the participants who contribute actively to the Congress. They are generally (but not necessarily) violists. All official congress Presenters are by definition Delegates.
Young Delegates (max 26 years of age, born after 24/11/1991) get a big discount compared to older Delegates, but enjoy the same rights and benefits.
Only Delegates are eligible for active participation in workshops, masterclasses, viola orchestra etc.
All Delegates must be a 2018 member of a national Viola Society that is recognised as an official section of the International Viola Society (IVS).
Proof of membership must be submitted at the time of Registration.
If such proof cannot be given, a Dutch Viola Society (DVS) membership for 2018 must be purchased as part of the IVC2018 Registration.
Note: For the avoidance of doubt, the official IVS sections are listed here (link).
The American Viola Society (AVS) is not a recognised section of the IVS.


Associates are participants (irrespective of age) who are associated somehow with performances at the Congress, but not as Main Presenters. They are generally not violists, but for example accompanists, ensemble members, composers, actors, etc.
Auditors are general audience with (by definition) a passive role at the Congress. It is presumed that they attend IVC2018 out of a genuine personal interest in viola music or violists, whether or not they are actually violists themselves. For this reason, Auditors pay more than Associates, but (much) less than Delegates.
Young Auditors (max 26 years of age, born after 24/11/1991) get a big discount compared to older Auditors.

Associates and Auditors are not eligible for active participation in workshops, masterclasses etc. They have no obligation to be member of a Viola Society, but with proof (or purchase) of such membership, they get a one-time discount on their purchase of Congress tickets.


When you register, you can choose between two Congress ticket types:

  1. a Week Pass, which gives full access to 5 days of Congress programming including two free Evening concerts (22nd and 23rd of November); or
  2. one or more Day Passes, which are valid on specified days only, and include no extra Evening concert tickets.

By design, the Week Pass is the best deal if you plan to attend 3 or more days, especially when you take into account the included two concert tickets.

If you are considering a Day Pass, but are not yet certain on which date(s) you will attend, you can still buy the Day pass(es) now. You can change the selected date(s) until the Congress starts, free of charge (but not the number of days).

Note: With the exception of the 2 free tickets included with a Week Pass, all Evening Concert tickets have to be acquired separately. Please consult this page for more information about the Evening concert tickets.

The ticket prices for IVC2018 depend on the Participant category, the ticket type and the date of purchase. Tickets become more expensive the closer you get to the congress week, so it really pays to register early.

Week Pass Prices:

If paid by ->
July 1st Sept. 1st Nov. 1st  
Delegates €180 €220 €250
Young Delegates €75 €85 €95
Associates €75 €85 €95
Auditors €130 €150 €170
Young Auditors €65 €75 €85

Day Pass Prices (per day):

if paid by ->
July 1st Sept. 1st Nov. 1st  
Delegates €50 €60 €70
Young Delegates €25 €30 €35
Associates €25 €30 €35
Auditors €40 €45 €50
Young Auditors €20 €25 €30

Dutch Viola Society Membership 2018:

Older than 26 (born before 25/11/1991):     €30,-
Younger than 27 (born after 24/11/1991):    €20,-

All Delegates:  Required, if not already member of an IVS-affiliated Viola Society
Associates and Auditors: Optional.

Viola Society Discount:

Applicable only for Associates and Auditors: €20 one-time deduction from fees,
when you have a 2018 membership with an IVS-affiliated Viola Society.
To receive this discount, proof of membership must be demonstrated (or DVS membership purchased) at the time of Registration


The following benefits are included with your registration:

  • Attendance to all (*) Congress Lectures, Lecture-recitals and Recitals
  • Attendance to all (*) Masterclasses, as audience
  • Attendance to all (*) plenary congress sessions such as opening and closing ceremonies, talk shows, and special presentations;
  • Participation in viola orchestra (Delegates only)
  • Participation in Workshops (Delegates only, subject to availability)
  • Eligibility for Masterclass selection (Young Delegates only)
  • Free tickets for Evening concerts Nov. 22nd and 23rd (Week Pass only)
  • Discount ticket rates (15%-30% off) for all Evening concerts
  • Availability of IVC-sponsored pianist for rehearsals and recitals, subject to prior request (for performing Delegates)
  • Availability of IVC-sponsored pianist for Masterclass accompaniment
  • Access to practice rooms, subject to availability (Delegates only)
  • Scheduled dress rehearsals on location (for performing Delegates)
  • Personalized Congress Badge
  • IVC2018 Programme booklet
  • Access to on-line Sched event information system

(*) Day pass holders: for the Registered day(s) only.


The Registration Procedure for IVC2018 consists of the following steps:

  1. Read the Terms and Conditions for IVC2018 Participation
  2. Fill in and submit the on-line IVC2018 Registration Form
  3. You will receive an automatic request confirmation e-mail, summarizing your information and the Amount due for payment, as well as a unique Request ID (“IVC-R###“) which you must use for the payment reference.
  4. Pay the Amount due within 14 days to our bank account.
    Full banking information is provided on the Contacts page.
    Please include your Full name and Request ID in the Description field.
    All bank transaction costs must be paid by the sender.
  5. Upon verified receipt of your payment, we will send an official registration confirmation by e-mail. If we do not receive payment within 14 days of your registration form submission, your registration request will be cancelled.

Note: You should allow for a processing time of 2 weeks from the date of payment until you receive the registration confirmation.

For questions about payment, contact:
For other questions related to registration, contact:
In particular, contact us if you do not receive one of the mentioned confirmation mails.


Four great reasons why you should Register early:

  1. The sooner you Register, the less you pay.
  2. For Young Delegates, eligibility for Master class auditions and selection requires that you have registered for the Congress (by Sept. 1st).
  3. For Delegates, advance sign-up for Workshops (from Sept. 1st) requires that you have Registered for the Congress. If you wait too long, the Workshops may be fully booked.
  4. Early Registration allows us to plan activities and resources more accurately for a predictable number of visitors, thereby ensuring a better Congress experience for all!