Luthiers and manufacturers/resellers of viola related accessories, music publishers, recording companies, and other related firms and organizations are invited to exhibit their products and/or to present themselves at the International Viola Congress 2018, to be held at the Hofpleintheater in Rotterdam (The Netherlands), November 20th-24th, 2018.
The International Viola Congress 2018 in Rotterdam is a unique opportunity to make contact with literally hundreds of violists from all over the world, including professional performers and teachers, students, and amateurs. Furthermore we expect a significant presence from luthiers, music publishers, composers, and a general music audience.
You can now reserve an EXHIBITION SPACE (first-come, first-serve basis).
Please find here the applicable Terms and Conditions for Exhibitors at IVC2018.
If you have read and agree to the above Terms and Conditions, proceed to place your booking request using the on-line IVC2018 Exhibit Booking Request Form.
If you are not able to exhibit during IVC2018, but you wish extra visibility for your product(s), you may also place an advertisement in the IVC2018 Programme booklet, which will be seen by hundreds of violists and will give your product(s) a good exposure. Contact us for the separate placement of advertisements.